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「アンナの日記 中川杏奈」の良くある質問 by Yahoo!知恵袋
Q.日本語訳おねがいしますorzEnglish speakers have a colorful way to describe the difference between a positive attitude and a negative one.They ask you to imagine a glass that is partially full of water.Is it half empty or half full?If you say that it is half empty, then you have a negative attitude toward life.You may even believe that in the future, this glass will be completely empty.If, on the other hand, you reply that it is half full, you have a positive attitude.One day you may even try to full this glass to the brim.上記7つの文が訳せません。。。意訳がうまくできないのですが、だれかうまく訳せませんか?
Q.至急です!お願いします!翻訳してください!Proverbs are full of wisdom. They are often used in daily life. Most ofthen are good advice and we should try to follow them.But, first of all, we should understand their meanings. It is over twenty years since I came to Japanand I still find Japanese proverbs puzzling.What about 馬の耳に念仏? Who says Buddhist prayers to a horse?Buddhist prayers and horses are so far apart that I couldn’t understandthe meaning at first. In fact, I thought this proverb had the oppositemeaning :even horses need our prayers, as some people think thatmusic is good for plants. Now I like this proveb. It means that someonedoesn’t understand your advice. putting together two unrelated things likethis is fun.There’s another example:猫に小判。I didn’t understand this because I thought of 招き猫:they bring customers into shops. Do we give them a bonusfor their hard work? Now I know the meaning and I like this proverb, too.And I have some other ideas along the same lines:サンタクロースにお歳暮、お坊さんにハンバーガー、かての耳に日本のことわざ。What do you think?長くてスミマセン・・・。お願いします!!
Q.I just lost my best friend, I have been crying hysterical for a full day and piece of shit roger ebert has the gall to put in his 2 centsこの英文をどなたか日本語に翻訳していただけませんでしょうか(><)お願いします
A.I just lost my best friend, I have been crying hysterical for a full day and piece of shit roger ebert has the gall to put in his 2 cents俺は今ちょうど親友を亡くしたばかりで、一日中泣きわめいていたんだ。そしたらロジャー・エバートの野郎がくだらないことを言いやがったんだ。・have the gall to do 図々しくも…する. a piece of shit くだらないもの. put in one's two cents 自分の意見を言う.


 僕クエスト full
 full of love
 full moon
 桃源郷エイリアン full
 full of vigor
 ぱんでみっく full
 full of harmony
 full count
 青い栞 full
 full life

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